Welcome everyone, the History of Horror is my attempt to capture the passion I hold for the horror genre. I previously had a blogger site that would have housed my personal reviews of all things horror. However, I found it difficult to legitimately criticize or qualify others works as the genre, like all forms of art and media, are deeply subjective. Instead, I decided to put my countless hours of research and continual involvement within the horror community to use, as an unofficial “historian of horror”. 

My goal for the site is to store the most accurate compilation of information on horror from every form of media. This includes; movies, tv shows, literature, comic books, video games, board games, folklore, toys, etc. As you can guess this is a grand goal and will require a tremendous amount of work on my end. Hopefully, with community support I will achieve my goal and this can become a site used and referenced by all horrorphiles. I should mention that I will also include weekly editorials, such as the one you are reading, which will include my personal thoughts on any given subject. 

The first question I asked myself when creating this site was, “is there really a need for another horror site?” Surprisingly, I found the answer to be, Yes! While the internet may be flooded with plenty of amazing sites dedicated to horror, most of these sites tend to focus on one or two of the major media sources. Other sites may be geared towards reviews, podcasts, or very niche subjects (such as 80s horror films). While I love that these sites exist I never found a site that compiles information about the genre the way I envisioned. The closest example would be various horror wikis, but once again they tend to be focused on something specific. 

As I am writing this article the site is still in its infancy. I have been able to compile lists for every horror film, tv show, video game, and legendary creature. Obviously, the lists are subject to much scrutiny and need to be cleaned up but when you consider the numbers I am confident that I am not missing too many titles. I am currently compiling additional lists for horror novels, comic books, board games and additional folklore. Once I complete content pages for each individual subject for example, (the House of the Devil 1896), I will be updating the lists with clickable links. 

So please join me in this journey to create one of the most comprehensive horror databases that records and highlights the history of horror.  

All comments.